About the Author

Samuel Ekundayo is a 25 year old teacher, life coach and motivator. He believes he is a commissioned encourager to this generation and the ones to come, to believe they can achieve whatever they set their minds to achieve. His dream is to become a Professor of Knowledge Management/Information Systems in the nearest future.

With his 'Le Dynamique Professeur' label, Samuel could well be referred to as a global citizen. His academic train cuts across three continents. He bagged his BSc. (Hons) from Coventry University, United Kingdom (Europe); his MSc. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Asia) and currently doing his PhD in one of New Zealand's finest Universities (Oceania).

Samuel has published several journal and conference research articles in his field. The most notable and cited would be the one published in the Journal of Knowledge Management, a highly ranked journal in the field of Information Systems.

An award winning speaker, writer and blogger, He is currently Nigeria's most inspiring blogger - Nigerian Blog Awards 2010. He is also the 2008 winner of the NTU-NIE International Toastmasters Oratory Challenge, Singapore. He emerged as the first African to have won the competition since inception.

He is an author of several blogs with hundreds of articles published over the internet. One of his blogs receives over 2000 visitors monthly from 155 countries worldwide. With over thousands of followers on twitter and facebook, Samuel delightfully publishes his writing on several platforms weekly.

Several testimonies reveal he is born to do what he loves to do. Sit with him over coffee and you are sure to feel good about yourself - your dreams will come to life once again. He is available to speak at conferences or seminars worldwide organized to encourage and motivate the youth of this generation.

Blogs             http://dynamiqueprofesseur.blogspot.com
Facebook      http://facebook.com/LeDynamiqueProfesseur
Twitter          http://twitter.com/dynamiqueprof
Youtube        http://youtube.com/psalmuel
Academia      http://vuw.academia/.edu/EkundayoSamuel